Training & Education

Training & Education

Training has been a key goal of APT since its founding in 1968. Our training courses help specialists hone their skills and offer participants hands-on experience with such problems as the deterioration of wood, stone, and concrete. Training courses also provide opportunities to explore specialized fields such as preservation engineering and landscape conservation.

APT's 50 Plus Years of Training Programs

APT Webinars

Protecting Cultural Heritage and Historic Structures from Disasters
Disasters are increasing globally. Their adverse impacts on lives, livelihoods, and regional/local economies are increasingly felt. Losses to both our tangible and intangible cultural heritage and historic structures and sites during disasters are increasing also. These losses include not only those to sites, structures and artifacts of cultural significance, but they are also impacting cultural tourism and the financial resources cultural heritage and historic structures can introduce to local communities, cities and countries.

This webinar provides an overview of these concepts as an introduction to the Design Challenges For Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Session held at the October 2013 APT Conference  in New York City.

Webinar production was made possible with a grant from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT).
Registration fee is $35 for APT members; $45 for non-members.  Viewing is free to educational institutions; contact us for the free web link.

To access the APT webinars,  APT members click here and non-members click here.

Curtain and Cavity Walls: Preservation and Technical Considerations
Three outstanding presentations for the 2013 APT New York City Conference are available for remote viewing.  This webinar includes discussions on the cavity and curtain walls with examples of their construction, repair and preservation on various landmark buildings throughout the United States.  Speakers are: Matthew Bronski, PE (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc); James Dossett (The Façade Group); Annie Lo (McGinnis Chen Associates, Inc); and Eliza Hernandez Skaggs (Page & Turnbull).

Webinar production was made possible with a grant from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT).
Registration fee is $35 for APT members; $45 for non-members.  Viewing is free to educational institutions; contact us for the free web link.

To access the APT webinars,  APT members click here and non-members click here.

Stone Preservation: Merging Traditional Approaches with Modern Technology
Three outstanding presentations from the 2012 APT Charleston Conference are now available for remote viewing!

This webinar will present traditional and modern approaches to stone preservation and will focus on work being conducted at Lincoln Cathedral in Lincoln, UK, Salt Lake City & County Building and the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston, SC.

Speakers are: Neil Bywater (Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, U.K.); Elwin Robison (EDI Building Consultants, Inc., Independence, Ohio); and Ivan Myjer (Building & Monument Conservation, Arlington, Massachusetts). 

Webinar production was made possible with a grant from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT). 

Registration fee is $35 for APT members; $45 for non-members.  Viewing is free to educational institutions; contact us for the free web link.

To access the APT Webinars APT members click here and non-members click here.

2012 APT Charleston Conference
The Conference Keynote and College of Fellows lecturers from the 2012 APT Charleston conference are available for remote viewing! Webinar production was made possible with a grant from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT). 

Joseph P. Reilly, Mayor of Charleston, South Carolina, presented the keynote lecture "Preserving the Heart of a City" and Dr. Gerard LynchMilton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, presented the College of Fellow lecture "Re-positioning Craft Education to Re-connect Artisans to Designers,"

A single fee of $10 provides access to both lectures.  To  access, the APT Webinars, click here.  Viewing is free to educational institutions; contact us for the free web link.

Jena Bresler
Bryan Clark Green

Please view our events calendar for upcoming training and education opportunities. 

The following topics have also been addressed in past training courses offered by APT:

  • documentation technologies
  • historic building envelopes
  • masonry conservation and cleaning
  • stained-glass conservation
  • paint analysis and application
  • coatings for architectural surfaces
  • archaeology and conservation
  • decorative plasterwork
  • maritime preservation
  • historic concrete and high-rise buildings
  • historic bridges
  • historic hardware
  • architectural metals
  • timber-frame and log construction
  • terra-cotta conservation