It is the mission of Communiqué, APT's electronic newsletter, to foster a sense of community, to connect members to each other, and to report news of APT and its chapters, committees, and technical resources.

The Communiqué accomplishes this mission by:

  • Providing a platform for the President and Executive Director to discuss the direction and goals of APT;
  • Publishing announcements for, and coverage of, the annual conference and other APT events;
  • Promoting chapter and committee engagement by soliciting news items and other features;
  • Promoting member awareness of chapter and committee activities by publishing links to additional information on the APT website;
  • Providing a forum for members to share professional news;
  • Building awareness of APT's technical resources through announcements of award winners, new documents on the website, special publications, etc.;
  • Building awareness of other professional resources through references and links to articles, publications, and repositories in the U.S. and Canada, and worldwide; and
  • Providing opportunities for members to promote APT to non-members by sharing links on social media.

Each issue of the Communiqué includes a feature article that focuses on recent APT events or provides a preview or wrap-up of APT's annual conference. The Communiqué also covers other events such as training workshops; APT chapter and committee news; grant and scholarship opportunities and awards; Members News; the Resource Roundup, a compilation of resources to aid APT members with their projects; and From the Archives, which offers perspectives on APT's history.

The Communiqué is typically published six times each year:


Latest Issue

cover of May/June issue of Communique



Member News Deadline             

All Other Submissions Deadline            


December 1

December 10


February 1

February 10


April 1

April 10


June 1

June 10


August 1

August 10


October 1

October 10

The Communiqué is an important benefit of APT membership. If you are not yet a member of APT and wish to view past or current issues of Communiqué,  join APT today.

View a Recent Issue


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