Publications Committee

The Publications Committee is responsible for overseeing APT's goal of publishing and delivering high-quality publications, including the APT BulletinPractice Points, the Communiqué, the Building Technology Heritage Library, social media, special publications, videos, and the APT website. The Publications Committee also oversees APT's publications-related awards.

APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology
The APT Bulletin provides state-of-the-art technical information in the field of historic preservation and showcases articles that address cutting-edge preservation techniques, as well as innovative applications of established restoration technologies. Articles include case studies demonstrating best practices, exemplary craftsmanship, international debates on preservation philosophy, and histories of building materials, technologies, and systems. The APT Bulletin also addresses emerging issues and trends, such as preservation engineering and the integration of sustainability and historic preservation. The APT Bulletin also publishes book reviews. First issued in 1969, the APT Bulletin is peer-reviewed and produced three times per year.

Lesley Gilmore, APT Bulletin Book Review Editor

Practice Points
Practice Points are published in the APT Bulletin as a way to share best practices in the field.  Each column illustrates and existing or cutting-edge technology or technique in practice, shares original research in the history of building technology and materials, or presents recent case studies in which new technologies and techniques have been used successfully.  Practice Points is designed to provide the most up-to-date, nuts-and-bolts information for practitioners and their clients.

Thomas E. Boothby, Practice Points Co-Editor
Marianne Leroux, Practice Points Co-Editor
Lorraine Schnabel, Practice Points Co-Editor

APT's electronic newsletter, the Communiqué, publishes more timely material six times a year. Its mission is to foster a sense of community, to connect members to each other, and to report news of APT and its chapters, committees, and technical resources. Regular features include articles on the annual conference and other APT events; Member News; Resource Roundup, a compilation of resources to aid APT members with their projects; and From the Archives, which offers perspective on APT's history.

APT Building Technology Heritage Library

The Building Technology Heritage Library (BTHL) is primarily a collection of architectural trade catalogs, house plan books, and technical building guides. Trade catalogs are an important primary source to document past design and construction practices. These materials can aid in the preservation and conservation of older structures as well as other research goals. The BTHL is hosted by the Internet Archive as a free public access site for documents in the public domain.

Mike Jackson, BTHL Chair

APT Social Media
APT's social media presence includes the APT calendarFacebook pageInstagram accountLinkedIn groupPinterest boardYouTube channel, and a Twitter handle for each annual conference.

Special Publications
APT has published a number of books and collections of articles on special topics, including The Structure of Skyscrapers in America, 1871–1900, Their History and Preservation by Donald Friedman and the second edition of Harley McKee's classic Introduction to Early American Masonry.  Additional titles are available in APT's online bookstore and we are actively soliciting new ideas for future publications.  

Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, Special Publications Coordinator

APT Videos
The Publications Committee is producing short videos focused on preservation technology topics, many of which serve as companions to articles in the Practice Points series.  The video companions provide an opportunity to capture hands-on-demonstrations, live action, and interviews to help make Practice Points more accessible to a global audience through the APT YouTube channel.  The Publications Committee coordinates video production efforts with authors of Practice Points and local video producers.  This initiative is enhanced by financial support from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT).  A video to accompany the Practice Points on architectural terra cotta is currently in production.

Jessica Fair, Video Project Manager

APT Website
The APT website provides the latest information on upcoming conferences, contact information for all committees and chapters, a full index of the APT Bulletin, and select information available only to members. 

Publication Awards
The Publications Committee coordinates the efforts of volunteer juries for APT's publications-related awards. These awards include the Oliver Torrey Fuller Award, the Anne de Fort-Menares Award, Martin E. Weaver Award, and the Lee Nelson Book Award. 

Cristina Radu, Publication Awards Jury Captain

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) established the Lee Nelson Book Award in 2000 to recognize outstanding and influential publications in the field of preservation technology. It is conferred every three years, and the last award was presented in 2021. The previous winners are listed on the APT website. The recipient will receive a certificate following the 2024 Montreal APT conference. The award-winning publication is reviewed or excerpted in APT's peer-reviewed journal, the APT Bulletin, if it has not already been reviewed. 

The jury will consider book-length authored works, published in during 2021, 2022, and 2023, in English or French or available in English translation, that expand the knowledge base for heritage-preservation practice. Eligible works are those which explore the history and development of technology and materials used in historic buildings, sites, landscapes, and artifacts or which explore the application of technology to their maintenance, conservation, and protection.

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In Memory of Lee Nelson

Lee Nelson (1927–1994) was one of the founders of the Association for Preservation Technology in 1968 and was the American editor of the APT Bulletin for its first 10 years. He served with distinction for 32 years in the U.S. National Park Service, taking a leadership role in the development of new technical information about historic preservation and pioneering such influential publications as the Preservation Briefs, Preservation Tech Notes and Preservation Case Studies.

In addition to his remarkable work as a preservationist, Lee is remembered for his integrity and professionalism, as well as for his modesty and sense of humor. This award recognizing influential publications in the field of preservation technology is APT's tribute to an outstanding preservationist, colleague and friend.


If you are interested in joining or learning more information about the Publications Committee, contact us.


Lesley Gilmore

Cristina Radu

Cristina Ureche-Triffu

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