Bridging the Gap: How can we more effectively integrate research into practice?

Monday, March 24, 2025 
1:00-2:30 pm Eastern

This session will focus on load bearing masonry systems. First, we will look at assumptions engineers make in assessment of assemblies, what experimental test results demonstrate and some simplified modelling strategies to represent complex systems. Discussion will look at how research is looking progressively more at holistic approaches in assessment, particularly where seismic hazards exist, and some of the surprising displacement capacities found in existing walls. The session will be rounded out with a look at some ‘out of the box’ intervention ideas being tested in the search for low-cost holistic retrofit solutions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how holistic research into seismic performance and upgrading of existing masonry structures built with clay bricks and low strength mortar. 
  2. Discuss how current research can be built upon and applied before it has been adopted by code.
  3. Investigate how existing projects can benefit directly from research.
  4. Review structural properties of mortar in buildings built between 1880 and 1915. 

Continuing Education Credits
1.5 LU/PDH

Registration Fees

  • APT Members: $20
  • Emerging Professional Members: $15 → $0*
  • Student Members: $10 → $0*
  • Non-Members: $35

 * Thanks to the generous support of the Preservation Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, APT is pleased to offer this program at no cost to Student members and Emerging Professional members. Not a member? Learn how to join here




Tom Morrison,
P.Eng., Ph.D., CAHP, APT-RP, ISCARSAH, Heritage Standing Inc.

Tom Morrison is a father of five. He is also a professional engineer and founder of Heritage Standing Inc., based in Fredericton, NB, Canada. Focused on existing structures Tom enjoys the weird engineering problems that come in abundance in this field.
 photo of Lucy Davis standing in front of a window

Lucy Davis
, PhD Student, McGill University, Department of Civil Engineering

Lucy is a researcher at McGill University, completing her PhD in structural engineering with a research focus on the seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings in Eastern Canada. Her work combines typological analysis, experimental testing and numerical modelling for engineering and conservation of structures. When she’s not doing research, she loves being outdoors and spending time with friends and family. 


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